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Data preperation

This vignette showcases how to manually apply a bootstrap procedure to estimate a confidence interval for the BLR-IPCW calibration curves when using a custom function to estimate the inverse probability of censoring weights. We use data from the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT 2023), which contains multistate survival data after a transplant for patients with blood cancer. The start of follow up is the day of the transplant and the initial state is alive and in remission. There are three intermediate events (\(2\): recovery, \(3\): adverse event, or \(4\): recovery + adverse event), and two absorbing states (\(5\): relapse and \(6\): death). This data was originally made available from the mstate package (Wreede, Fiocco, and Putter 2011).

We start by reminding ourselves of the EBMT (Wreede, Fiocco, and Putter 2011; EBMT 2023) validation datasets ebmtcal and msebmtcal, and the predicted transition probabilities out of state j = 1 made at time s = 0 from the multistate model (tps0). We also set the time at which we want to evaluate the transition probabilities t. Please refer to the Overview vignette for a more detailed description of this data.



#>   id  rec rec.s   ae ae.s recae recae.s  rel rel.s  srv srv.s      year agecl
#> 1  1   22     1  995    0   995       0  995     0  995     0 1995-1998 20-40
#> 2  2   29     1   12    1    29       1  422     1  579     1 1995-1998 20-40
#> 3  3 1264     0   27    1  1264       0 1264     0 1264     0 1995-1998 20-40
#> 4  4   50     1   42    1    50       1   84     1  117     1 1995-1998 20-40
#> 5  5   22     1 1133    0  1133       0  114     1 1133     0 1995-1998   >40
#> 6  6   33     1   27    1    33       1 1427     0 1427     0 1995-1998 20-40
#>   proph              match dtcens dtcens.s
#> 1    no no gender mismatch    995        1
#> 2    no no gender mismatch    422        0
#> 3    no no gender mismatch   1264        1
#> 4    no    gender mismatch     84        0
#> 5    no    gender mismatch    114        0
#> 6    no no gender mismatch   1427        1

#>   id from to trans Tstart Tstop time status
#> 1  1    1  2     1      0    22   22      1
#> 2  1    1  3     2      0    22   22      0
#> 3  1    1  5     3      0    22   22      0
#> 4  1    1  6     4      0    22   22      0
#> 5  1    2  4     5     22   995  973      0
#> 6  1    2  5     6     22   995  973      0

#>   id   pstate1   pstate2    pstate3   pstate4   pstate5   pstate6        se1
#> 1  1 0.1139726 0.2295006 0.08450376 0.2326861 0.1504855 0.1888514 0.01291133
#> 2  2 0.1140189 0.2316569 0.08442692 0.2328398 0.1481977 0.1888598 0.01291552
#> 3  3 0.1136646 0.2317636 0.08274331 0.2325663 0.1504787 0.1887834 0.01289444
#> 4  4 0.1383878 0.1836189 0.07579429 0.2179331 0.1538475 0.2304185 0.01857439
#> 5  5 0.1233226 0.1609740 0.05508100 0.1828176 0.1425950 0.3352099 0.01944967
#> 6  6 0.1136646 0.2317636 0.08462424 0.2305854 0.1505534 0.1888087 0.01289444
#>          se2        se3        se4        se5        se6 j
#> 1 0.02369584 0.01257251 0.02323376 0.01648630 0.01601795 1
#> 2 0.02374329 0.01256056 0.02324869 0.01632797 0.01603703 1
#> 3 0.02375770 0.01245752 0.02322375 0.01647890 0.01601525 1
#> 4 0.03004447 0.01462570 0.03018673 0.02124071 0.02416121 1
#> 5 0.03419721 0.01367768 0.03423941 0.02329644 0.03688586 1
#> 6 0.02375770 0.01257276 0.02317348 0.01649531 0.01602438 1

t <- 1826

Confidence intervals for BLR-IPCW using internal bootstrapping procedure

We now remind ourselves of the procedure for generating a confidence interval, and estimate confidence intervals for the BLR-IPCW calibration curves using the internal bootstrapping procedure, as is done in the Overview vignette.

  1. Resample validation dataset with replacement
  2. Landmark the dataset for assessment of calibration
  3. Calculate inverse probability of censoring weights
  4. Fit the preferred calibration model in the landmarked dataset (restricted cubic splines or loess smoother)
  5. Generate observed event probabilities for a fixed vector of predicted transition probabilities (specifically the predicted transition probabilities from the non-bootstrapped landmark validation dataset)

The code to produce the calibration curves with confidence intervals is as follows:

dat.calib.blr <-
  calib_msm( = msebmtcal,
           data.raw = ebmtcal,
           t = t,
           tp.pred = tps0 |>
             dplyr::filter(j == 1) |>
             dplyr::select(any_of(paste("pstate", 1:6, sep = ""))),
           calib.type = 'blr',
           curve.type = "rcs",
           rcs.nk = 3,
           w.covs = c("year", "agecl", "proph", "match"),
           CI = 95,
           CI.R.boot = 200)
plot(dat.calib.blr, combine = TRUE)
Figure 2: Calibration plots using BLR-IPCW, confidence interval estimated using manual bootstrap procedure

Figure 2: Calibration plots using BLR-IPCW, confidence interval estimated using manual bootstrap procedure

Confidence intervals for BLR-IPCW by inputting custom weights funciton into calibmsm

While the above approach is accessible, it may lead to a misspecified model for the weights given the user has no control over the choice of model (Cox model) or the functional form of the predictor variables \(\textbf{Z}\), where all continuous variables are assumed to have linear effects on the hazard, and there are no interaction terms. Potential issues with using the internal process for estimating the weights is exemplified in the Evaluation-of-estimation-of-IPCWs vignette. We therefore encourage users to explore their data and produce a more suitable model to estimate the weights. Please see the Overview vignette for a definition of the estimand of the weights and how to estimate them.

Once a function for estimating the weights has been defined, the internal bootstrapping procedure can then be applied with this function to estimate the weights. This function must contain the parameters that are in the calc_weights function, even if you do not plan to use these parameters. These parameters are then specified through arguments with the w. prefix in calib_msm. The user specified function may also contain extra parameters not in calc_weights, and these are specified through the ... argument in calib_msm. We showcase this by defining a new function calc_weights_manual. For this example, we define it to be the same as calc_weights function. In practice, we do not recommend this, as this option is to allow the user to specify their own function for estimating the weights. Given our choice of function to estimate the weights, the calibration curve is the same as that from Figure 1, and the confidence interval is a similar size.

calc_weights_manual <- calibmsm::calc_weights

dat.calib.blr.w.function <-
  calib_msm( = msebmtcal,
           data.raw = ebmtcal,
           t = t,
           tp.pred = tps0 |>
             dplyr::filter(j == 1) |>
             dplyr::select(any_of(paste("pstate", 1:6, sep = ""))),
           calib.type = 'blr',
           curve.type = "rcs",
           rcs.nk = 3,
           w.function = calc_weights_manual,
           w.covs = c("year", "agecl", "proph", "match"),
           CI = 95,
           CI.R.boot = 200)
plot(dat.calib.blr.w.function, combine = TRUE, nrow = 2, ncol = 3)
Figure 2: Calibration plots using BLR-IPCW, confidence interval estimated using internal bootstrap procedure with custom specification of function to estimate the weights

Figure 2: Calibration plots using BLR-IPCW, confidence interval estimated using internal bootstrap procedure with custom specification of function to estimate the weights

Confidence intervals for BLR-IPCW by manually running bootstrapping procedure with custom function for estimating the weights

Finally, we showcase how to run the bootstrapping procedure manually. This allows users to parallelise their code to reduce computational time. This is done by using the package boot (Canty and Ripley 2022) in conjunction with calib_msm.

We start by creating a permanent object with the predicted risks of each individual. When the validation cohort ebmtcal is resampled, the appropriate predicted transition probabilities must also be resampled from this object.

tp.pred <- tps0 |>
  dplyr::filter(j == 1) |>
  dplyr::select(any_of(paste("pstate", 1:6, sep = "")))

Next define the predicted transition probabilities over which the observed event probabilities will be plotted, which must be the same for every bootstrapped calibration curve. These are the predicted transition probabilities of the individuals who are uncensored at time t, which are the predicted transition probabilities for the original calibration curves.

## Extract ids for individuals uncensored at t
ids.uncens <- ebmtcal |>
  subset(dtcens > t | (dtcens < t & dtcens.s == 0)) |>
## Extract the predicted risks out of state 1 for these individuals
tp.pred.plot <- tps0 |>
  dplyr::filter(j == 1 & id %in% ids.uncens) |>
  dplyr::select(any_of(paste("pstate", 1:6, sep = "")))

The calibration curves (with no confidence interval) are now calculated. We utilise the calc_weights function from calibmsm to estimate the weights, which is the function used internally. However, in practice the point of this exercise is to create a better performing model to estimate the weights than the one from the internal procedure. The vector of weights should have an entry for every row the validation dataset. For individuals who will not be included in the landmark cohort, or who are censored prior to time \(t\), these weights can take any value as they will not be included when the calibration model is fitted.

weights.manual <-
  calc_weights( = msebmtcal,
               data.raw = ebmtcal,
               covs = c("year", "agecl", "proph", "match"),
               t = t,
               s = 0,
               landmark.type = "state",
               j = 1,
               max.weight = 10,
               stabilised = FALSE)$ipcw
#>  num [1:2279] NA 1.14 NA 1.01 1.03 ...

The observed event probabilities can then be estimated using calib_msm and a call to the weights argument.

dat.calib.boot.manual <-
  calib_msm( = msebmtcal,
           data.raw = ebmtcal,
           j = 1,
           s = 0,
           t = t,
           tp.pred = tp.pred,
           calib.type = 'blr',
           curve.type = "rcs",
           rcs.nk = 3,
           weights = weights.manual)

It is now time to estimate the confidence interval for this curve. We define a function calc_obs_boot to generate a bootstrapped calibration curve which is compatible with the boot function from the boot (Canty and Ripley 2022) package. Within each bootstrapped dataset, weights are calculated and then a calibration curve is estimated using calib_msm. The use of the argument tp.pred.plot is essential here, to ensure the bootstrapped observed event probabilities are generated for the same vectors of predicted transition probabilities. The function is also written to estimate a curve for the transition probabilities into a specific state \(k\), as the output for boot must be a vector, rather than a matrix. This is done by utilising the transitions.out argument in calib_msm.

calc_obs_boot <- function(data, indices, tp.pred, state.k){
  ## Bootstrap dataset and predicted transition probabilities
  data.boot <- data[indices,]
  tp.pred.boot <- tp.pred[indices, ]
  ## Calculate weights
  ## In practice - replace this function with your own
  weights.manual <-
    calc_weights( = msebmtcal[msebmtcal$id %in% data.boot$id, ],
                 data.raw = data.boot,
                 covs = c("year", "agecl", "proph", "match"),
                 t = t,
                 s = 0,
                 landmark.type = "state",
                 j = 1,
                 max.weight = 10,
                 stabilised = FALSE)$ipcw
  ## Estimate bootstrapped calibration curve
  curve.est <-
    calib_msm( = msebmtcal[msebmtcal$id %in% data.boot$id, ],
             data.raw = data.boot,
             t = t,
             tp.pred = tp.pred.boot,
             calib.type = 'blr',
             curve.type = "rcs",
             rcs.nk = 3,
             weights = weights.manual,
             tp.pred.plot = tp.pred.plot,
             transitions.out = state.k)
  ## Extract observed event probabilities
  curve.obs <-
    curve.est[["plotdata"]][[paste("state", state.k, sep = "")]]$obs

The size of the confidence interval, the states \(k\) which individuals may transition into from state \(j\), and a list to store the data for the plots are then defined:

alpha <- (1-95/100)/2
valid.transitions <- which(colSums(tp.pred) != 0) <- vector("list", length(valid.transitions))

The bootstrap procedure is now applied to the validation dataset ebmtcal for each state \(k\) in valid.transitions, and the upper and lower confidence bands are stored in a data.frame along with the calibration curve calculated earlier.

for (k in 1:length(valid.transitions)){
  ## Assign state k
  state.k <- valid.transitions[k]
  ## Run bootstrapping
  boot.obs <- boot::boot(ebmtcal,
                         R = 200,
                         tp.pred = tp.pred,
                         state.k = state.k)$t
  ## Extract confidence bands
  lower <- apply(boot.obs, 2, stats::quantile, probs = alpha, na.rm = TRUE)
  upper <- apply(boot.obs, 2, stats::quantile, probs = 1-alpha, na.rm = TRUE)
  ## Assign output[[k]] <- data.frame(
    "pred" = dat.calib.boot.manual[["plotdata"]][[k]]$pred,
    "obs" = dat.calib.boot.manual[["plotdata"]][[k]]$obs,
    "obs.lower" = lower,
    "obs.upper" = upper)

Finally, metadata is added and the appropriate class is defined so that the data is in the same format as the output from calib_msm, meaning it can be used with the S3 generic plot. Note that in this example assessed.transitions = valid.transitions, but this may not be the case if you only estimated calibration curves for a subset of the possible transitions.

metadata <- list("valid.transitions"= valid.transitions,
                 "assessed.transitions" = valid.transitions,
                 "CI" = 95,
                 "curve.type" = "rcs")
dat.calib.blr.manual <- list("plotdata" =, "metadata" = metadata)
attr(dat.calib.blr.manual, "class") <- c("calib_blr", "calib_msm")

The calibration curves with manually estimated confidence intervals are plotted in Figure 3. This Figure is very similar to Figures 1 and 2. This is to be expected given we have used the same model to estimate the weights that is used in the internal procedure, and verifies that the manual procedure for calculating the confidence interval has been successful.

Figure 3: Calibration plots using BLR-IPCW, confidence interval estimated using manual bootstrap procedure

Figure 3: Calibration plots using BLR-IPCW, confidence interval estimated using manual bootstrap procedure

Code from these examples can be re-utilised, all that is required is to specify a function to estimate the inverse probability of censoring weights.

Canty, Angelo, and Brian Ripley. 2022. boot: Bootstrap R (S-Plus) Functions.”
EBMT. 2023. Data from the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation.”
Wreede, Liesbeth C de, Marta Fiocco, and Hein Putter. 2011. mstate: An R Package for the Analysis of Competing Risks and Multi-State Models.” Journal of Statistical Software 38 (7).