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Create cohort from patient files


extract_cohort(filepath, patids = NULL, select = NULL, set = FALSE)



Path to directory containing patient .txt files.


Patids of patients to retain in the cohort. Character vector. Numeric values should not be used.


Character vector of column names to select.


If TRUE will create a variable called set which will contain the number that comes after the word 'set' in the file name.


Data frame with patient information


## Extract cohort data
pat<-extract_cohort(filepath = system.file("aurum_data", package = "rcprd"))
#>    patid pracid usualgpstaffid gender  yob mob emis_ddate regstartdate
#> 1      1     49              6      2 1984  NA 1976-11-21   1940-07-24
#> 2      2     79             11      1 1932  NA 1979-02-14   1929-02-23
#> 3      3     98             43      1 1930  NA 1972-06-01   1913-07-02
#> 4      4     53             72      2 1915  NA 1989-04-24   1969-07-11
#> 5      5     62             16      2 1916  NA 1951-09-23   1919-11-07
#> 6      6     54             11      1 1914  NA 1926-09-09   1970-08-28
#> 7      7     49              6      2 1984  NA 1976-11-21   1940-07-24
#> 8      8     79             11      1 1932  NA 1979-02-14   1929-02-23
#> 9      9     98             43      1 1930  NA 1972-06-01   1913-07-02
#> 10    10     53             72      2 1915  NA 1989-04-24   1969-07-11
#> 11    11     62             16      2 1916  NA 1951-09-23   1919-11-07
#> 12    12     54             11      1 1914  NA 1926-09-09   1970-08-28
#>    patienttypeid regenddate acceptable cprd_ddate
#> 1             58 1996-08-25          1 1935-03-17
#> 2             21 1945-03-19          0 1932-02-05
#> 3             81 1997-04-24          1 1912-04-27
#> 4             10 1951-09-05          0 1921-02-13
#> 5             45 1998-11-25          0 1903-08-26
#> 6             85 1983-03-14          1 1963-08-27
#> 7             58 1996-08-25          1 1935-03-17
#> 8             21 1945-03-19          0 1932-02-05
#> 9             81 1997-04-24          1 1912-04-27
#> 10            10 1951-09-05          0 1921-02-13
#> 11            45 1998-11-25          0 1903-08-26
#> 12            85 1983-03-14          1 1963-08-27