Adds a single .txt file to an SQLite database on the hard disk.
Add the raw data from one of the CPRD flatfiles to an SQLite database.
filetype = c("observation", "drugissue", "referral", "problem", "consultation",
"hes_primary", "death"),
nrows = -1,
select = NULL,
subset_patids = NULL,
use_set = FALSE,
extract_txt_func = NULL,
table_name = NULL,
- filepath
Path to .txt file on your system.
- filetype
Type of CPRD Aurum file (observation, drugissue, referral, problem, consultation, hes_primary, death)
- nrows
Number of rows to read in from .txt file.
- select
Character vector of column names to select before adding to the SQLite database.
- subset_patids
Patient id's to subset the .txt file on before adding to the SQLite database.
- use_set
Reduce subset_patids to just those with a corresponding set value to the .txt file being read in. Can greatly improve computational efficiency when subset_patids is large. See vignette XXXX for more details.
- db
An open SQLite database connection created using RSQLite::dbConnect.
- extract_txt_func
User-defined function to read the .txt file into R.
- table_name
Name of table in SQLite database that the data will be added to.
- ...
Extract arguments passed to read.table (or extract_txt_func) when reading in .txt files.
Will add the file to a table named filetype
in the SQLite database, unless table_name
is specified.
If use_set = FALSE
, then subset_patids
should be a vector of patid's that the .txt files will be subsetted on before adding to the SQLite database.
If use_set = TRUE
, then subset_patids
should be a dataframe with two columns, patid
and set
, where set
corresponds to the number in the file name
following the word 'set'. This functionality is provided to increase computational efficiency when subsetting to a cohort of patients which is very large (millions).
This can be a computationally expensive process as each flatfile being read in, must be cross matched with a large vector .
The CPRD flatfiles are split up into groups which can be identified from their naming convention. Patients from set 1, will have their data
in DrugIssue, Observation, etc, all with the same "set" suffix in the flatfile name. We can utilise this to speed up the process of subsetting
the data from the flatfiles to only those with patids in subset.patid. Instead we subset to those with patids in subset_patids, and with the
corresponding value of "set", which matches the suffix "set" in the CPRD flatfile filename. For example, patients in the Patient file which had
suffix "set1", will have their medical data in the Observation file with suffix "set1". When subsetting the Observation file to those in
subset_patids (our cohort), we only need to do so for patients who were also in the patient file with suffix "set1".
If the cohort of patients for which you want to subset the data to is very small, the computational gains from this argument are minor and it
can be ignored.
The function for reading in the .txt file will be chosen from a set of functions provided with rcprd, based on the fletype (filetype
does not need to be specified unless wanting to manually define the function for doing this. This may be beneficial if wanting to
change variable formats, or if the variables in the .txt files change in future releases of CPRD AURUM.
## Create connection to a temporary database
aurum_extract <- connect_database(file.path(tempdir(), "temp.sqlite"))
## Add observation data
add_to_database(filepath = system.file("aurum_data",
"aurum_allpatid_set1_extract_observation_001.txt", package = "rcprd"),
filetype = "observation", db = aurum_extract, overwrite = TRUE)
## Query database
RSQLite::dbGetQuery(aurum_extract, 'SELECT * FROM observation', n = 3)
#> patid consid pracid obsid obsdate enterdate staffid parentobsid
#> 1 1 33 1 100 -15931 -994 79 95
#> 2 1 66 1 46 -13782 -15232 34 17
#> 3 1 41 1 53 -20002 8845 35 79
#> medcodeid value numunitid obstypeid numrangelow numrangehigh
#> 1 498521000006119 48 16 20 28 86
#> 2 401539014 22 1 2 27 8
#> 3 13483031000006114 17 78 13 87 41
#> probobsid
#> 1 54
#> 2 35
#> 3 74
## clean up
unlink(file.path(tempdir(), "temp.sqlite"))